Larry Ramponi

CEO | Larry brings 15 years as an enterprise commerce technologist and strategist to, leading with a deep background in bridging gaps between technology and business. He previously co-founded and was president of Techmates Group (, a commerce software consulting business focused on implementing commerce platforms for B2B and B2C customers, including Dell EMC, Doosan, United Technologies and Whirlpool. Throughout his career, he has previously served as a director of technology, technical director, director of information technology, architect and developer. Larry studied at Brandeis University and received a BS in Information Technology.

viax Blog

Insights for Manufacturers and Distributors to help in evaluating fully-integrated cloud commerce; headless commerce; composable business products; and other relevant information for B2B and D2C businesses.

Monolithic Commerce Incumbents Are Falling Behind

SAP recently had their worst day in more than a decade, with a market cap drop of almost $40 billion dollar, after reporting a significant miss on their Q3 earnings. While they pointed to the COVID-19 pandemic, many technology companies saw...

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Are You Innovating or Just Supporting Overly Complex Systems?

Going Headless: Is It Relevant?

Discerning Hype Around Cloud Solutions

The Future Composable Commerce: A Recommended Read

viax Brings Out-of-the-Box Innovation to Redefine Solutions Inside the Enterprise Commerce Box

viax Helps Clients Develop Truly Headless Enterprise Commerce

Out of Chaos: viax’s Story