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viax Ensures Your Enterprise Commerce is Fit for Purpose — Part 2 Answers How — - The Manufacturers Solutions Cloud.

Written by Andrew Martin | Apr 18, 2022 5:56:32 PM

Many were intrigued, as we were, about the vast number (57%) of IT leaders from the UK who shared via this report that they believed their current commerce platforms would only support them for the next 12 months, and even more — 64% — who stated that their ecommerce platform should be updated during that same period.

While this study struck a chord with us, it apparently also resonated with many of you: We received a number of comments echoing the urgency for transformation, as well as inquiries around how viax is addressing the modernization technologies prioritized in the referenced study — Headless, API-first, Microservices and cloud-native. In response, we decided to answer a few of your questions via follow-up blog, let’s call it “Part 2” to highlight a few ingredients of viax’ special sauce that is helping our clients meet the very challenges that this study and my colleague so very well outlined.

Let’s start with our modular architecture — a multitenant, single-platform cloud, offering clusters of modules and microservices for efficiency and reliability. That means no infrastructure to invest in, and nothing that will become outdated or obsolete. viax’s cloud responds without requiring manual interactions from clients’ DevOps team; clients never need to upgrade anything because, as a single platform, viax performs all monitoring and updating. Read more about our modular architecture in this blog by our Head of Architecture, Alex Podolsky.

What truly distinguishes us is what’s in our holistic commerce cloud and how we’ve built it.

viax’ modular commerce building blocks not only provide B2B and D2C commerce, OMS, CPQ, Advanced Pricing and Product Configurations and more, but do so with enterprise-level ERP functionality. The modules and microservices natively integrate with each other and seamlessly integrate with existing systems, so clients are able to upgrade systems as they need them and at their pace, allowing for an incremental and planned approach, a feature clients likely appreciate during these volatile times.

And now for the kicker: viax’ headless approach to enterprise commerce is truly revolutionary in that the headless feature is a component of every solution viax offers across our entire cloud, pioneering headless enterprise commerce & OMS for our clients. In fact, we were headless from the start, and designed our architecture to allow our clients to build their own front ends with the same API that we build our interfaces with. Our founder, Larry Ramponi, described viax’ approach to headless commerce in his blog, noting, “At viax, headless isn’t just a layer for a selective service or two in our technology stack — it’s the core to our entire ecosystem.”

While others talk about being API-driven or API-first, viax fully exposes our rich APIs to allow our clients to develop the intuitive user experiences in the technologies of their choice with unmetered usage on our APIs. We also provide our library of JavaScript components for rapid development and faster time to market.

For planning purposes, clients appreciate the transparent and fixed annual price of viax subscriptions; there are never any surprise fees. In addition, our subscriptions are all-inclusive, providing access to everything viax offers — modules, architecture, operations and support.

Have questions? Want more information about how viax is uniquely responding to today’s enterprise commerce demands through innovative and holistic solutions? Contact me, and we’ll get something set up one-on-one.