viax Blog

Going Headless: Is It Relevant?

Written by Larry Ramponi | Oct 13, 2020 3:18:16 PM

You know that feeling when you’re reading someone’s words that resonate so well with you that you find yourself shaking your head decisively through the entire piece?

I’ve also been known to affirm an author or two out loud, even if I’m the only one in the room.

I felt that way reading Drew Lau’s recent article Leveraging the Benefits of Headless Commerce to Stay Relevant.

In this, the author describes the characteristics of businesses adopting the iterative Agile approach to development and headless commerce — technologies we’re quite familiar with at As he points out, these technologies aren’t just about what the technology, tools or processes can do for the enterprise commerce function of your business, but also says volumes about the culture of your business, and what these technologies enable for your teams.

In a nutshell, these technologies help your business stay relevant. 

A few highlights of that article: 

  • The goal of Agile is to value individuals and interactions over processes and tools, customer collaboration over contracts, and responding to change over a strict plan. Agile is meant to satisfy the customer early, welcome change, encourage developers and business to work together frequently, and empower self-organized teams.
  • Headless is similar in that it's a cultural and organization preference that puts power in the hands of smaller, empowered teams to focus on the customer by shipping more often, readjusting more frequently, and collaborating more extensively by having clearer separation of responsibilities between experiences and capabilities. An Agile mentality is a game changer in staying relevant to shoppers, and headless is a continuation of that mentality that allows teams to adjust their approach and areas of responsibilities.
  • Headless commerce reduces the dependency of experiences on back-end systems, letting teams closer to the consumer iterate and experiment much faster on the front-end, collecting more data and emphasizing more with the end user.
  • This modular, best-of-breed approach allows you to not only mix and match the front-end with any back-end, but also any relevant services that best serve your users.
  • Headless commerce drives the ability to iterate, ideate and experiment much quicker by giving teams more options in exploring what are the right problems to solve and ideas to explore.
  • Relevance is ultimately all about staying in the sphere of awareness of consumers, and there's no better starting point than moving to a headless commerce foundation.

Are you shaking your head, too?

As we’ve described on a former blog, viax’s holistic commerce cloud uses a headless platform and Agile approach, which provides clients a discovery-driven approach to digital transformation and an efficient and cost-effective path to market.

To learn more about these technologies and how to empower your teams to stay relevant with end users, feel free to contact me.  Or schedule a call using my calendar, I'd be happy to hear from you.