viax Blog

Out of Chaos: viax’s Story

Written by Larry Ramponi | Feb 3, 2020 2:44:25 PM

Our enterprise commerce expertise is the result of years working as a consultant on enterprise commerce systems. I saw my clients having the same pain points over and over again:

They were spending a lot of money on complex systems and still not having their needs met in a timely manner because of software limitations and aging architecture. The platforms they were investing in were inflexible, had a poor user experience and existed in ecosystems that were lacking. These clients were helplessly tied to massive systems they didn’t fully understand, and thus were compelled to rely on and be at the mercy of outside vendors.

Clients were also growing weary of the traditional, linear "Waterfall" approach to software development, where projects can take two years — or longer — to build. And when finally released, given the long lag and outdated requirements, many would already need major updating. Could any business really anticipate all their needs two years after the initial project requirements are gathered? At that point, clients would have to add more features to accommodate changes, as teams continued their work in silos to meet new moving targets.

Clients were often frustrated, and I couldn’t blame them. But I could do something to address the pain points instead of just continuing to fix and mitigate issues for other products. Along with the other founding partners, we formed, a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) modular approach to enterprise commerce that is far more efficient, effective and economically responsible than those we’ve previously consulted on.

And, we speak from experience. The founding partners that make up viax’s executive leadership team bring decades of enterprise commerce expertise from a variety of industries, and leverage a solid track record for leading complex organizational challenges on a global scale. Each has firsthand experience with the same problems and workarounds on other systems that I’ve encountered.  Each brings to the viax team an in-depth and specialty focus, such as architecture, product management, user experience, operations, and delivery and more.

Our combined enterprise commerce expertise allows us to build a system in which each individual module is built to work perfectly alone, function collectively as one platform, or integrate with external, non-viax systems. This module approach simplifies what was once very chaotic and complex, giving systems an opportunity to seamlessly work together.

What’s more, rather than the traditional linear approach to software development, viax employs the Agile approach, which is a team-based, iterative process of development. Teams work concurrently, rather than in silos, and we can implement changes quickly and efficiently. Delivery schedules are more frequent, without disappointing surprises at launch that require immediate updates.

Unlike platforms we’ve consulted on in the past, viax solutions enables businesses to use more in-house staffing and less vendor/partner reliance, provides all test environments, enhances user experiences and offers clients major cost reductions from their current providers.

Our goal was, and is, to change the way our clients do business and to improve their revenue, sustainability and growth. We know that we would not exist without our clients, and we succeed when our clients succeed. We look forward to serving you and growing together.